
CUBE-ZIXI Optional Software Components

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Enables Advanced ZIXI Transport Protocol

Enables Advanced ZIXI Transport Protocol

The increasing speed of broadband IP networks have ushered in a whole new set of applications for television news reporters, live event producers, and digital cinematographers. The convenience of using wireless networking has made live event broadcasts more available and affordable to all. In the case of TV news telecasts, for example, metropolitan and local stations have begun replacing costly satellite trucks with lower cost IP enabled video cameras, saving well over $120K per truck in the process. Using IP networks, colleges, universities, and high schools now stream live football games, soccer matches, and track field events directly from the athletic field, giving alumni and parents access to events they would have otherwise missed.  Yet with all its promise, the quality of live IP video streaming is often disappointing. With varying network conditions streaming high-quality live video over unmanaged IP networks continues to be problematic at times. ZiXi’s groundbreaking video transport technology, combined with Teradek’s Cube line of pocket-size, camera-top encoders, is changing the game and gaining recognition as the highest quality IP video Streaming solution on the market.

Using intelligent error correction, real-time rate adaption,  and end-to-end time synchronization, the patented ZiXi  transport protocol dramatically improves video quality and reliability. Bandwidth utilization with ZiXi also increases,  enabling video encoding at higher bit rates to achieve flawless broadcast quality video.

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