
HD Achromatic Lens - 72mm (8x)

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The Redrock Micro HD Achromatic Lens - 72mm (8x) is a high-quality lens designed primarily as a standalone macro adapter that can be used directly on HD and HDV cameras

The Redrock Micro HD Achromatic Lens - 72mm (8x) is a high-quality lens designed primarily as a standalone macro adapter that can be used directly on HD and HDV cameras with a 72mm filter thread. Ideal for extreme close-up and macro photography work, it can also be attached to the Redrock M2 lens adapter without a flip accessory.


This achromat is different than the 55mm Universal SD/HD achromat that Redrock offers with the microX Bundle for M2 cinema lens adapter. This is not designed for use with the M2 Encore.

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