
Azden IR-CSV Infrared Wireless Classroom System

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The Azden IR-CSV Infrared Wireless Classroom System includes an IRR-40P receiver, the chest-worn IRN-20 microphone and transmitter, the handheld IRN-30 microphone and transmitter, the ceiling-mounted IRD-66 infrared sensor, and 4 in-ceiling ACS 6.5 speakers. It is designed for use in classroom settings.

The system transmits and receives via infrared signals and requires line of sight between the transmitters and sensor. The infrared signals cannot penetrate walls and thus cannot interfere with a system in an adjacent classroom, allowing schools to install as many systems as needed. Since it operates on infrared signals, the IR-SCV System is immune to interference from VHF and UHF signals such as cellphones, radios, TVs, or emergency service systems.

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